Friday, May 28, 2010

Turtle Tracks

May 28, 2010 86/74 degrees moon - full

This morning I saw my first set of turtle tracks on the beach. Sea turtle nesting season runs from May 1 to October 31 each year, and is truly a magnificent thing to observe. I know there have been many nesting mothers up on the beach already this season, but I get up so early that it is still pitch dark when I take Sierra (dog) for her first walk of the morning. By the time our mid day walk rolls around the tracks have been covered up by happy beach walkers.

Our local beaches are exceptionally active nesting beaches with green turtles, and the very rare logger head and leather back turtles choosing to trust the future of their species to our sand. All sea turtles are protected by both state and federal laws. These gentle dinosaurs have struggled to survive as more development has impacted their nesting beaches and more fishing and pollution has impacted their water. It is especially important that the nests on our beach hatch successfully with the beaches in the Gulf of Mexico damaged from oil.

July is the most exciting time to take a guided turtle walk. The early nests are hatching and the late nests are just being laid, so you have mothers and babies going both ways!

From July 21st to July 31st we have a nearly full, then full, then still nearly full moon. Come to Windemere to enjoy a luxurious stay and the fascinating experience of watching the sea turtles! or 321-676-1701 to book a guided turtle walk.

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